Eureka Moments

The 2010 AMI conference may be over, but the 2011 NAI Region VI conference is just around the corner.  The conference will be held February 28 – March 3 in Eureka Springs, Arkansas.  The 2011 theme is “Eureka Moments”. 

The organizers have this to say:

Interpreters understand the “Eureka Moment” perhaps better than any other professionals on the planet. As practitioners of a craft that melds science and art, we appreciate the moment of understanding, of a-ha!, of wow-I-get it! We work toward helping our audiences experience these moments, and we frequently experience them ourselves as we study our cultural and natural resources, develop engaging programs, write dynamic publications, and design exciting exhibits.

 At this workshop, as we share ideas with colleagues, learn tips and tricks from friends old and new, and take time for retreat from our regular day-to-day work,  we’ll all be in prime conditions to spark new ideas, get excited anew, and fall in love with this profession all over again. Eureka!

Registration is open now.  Visit the NAI Region VI homepage for more details.