So This Happened…

Last week, several members of AMI traveled to Eureka Springs, Arkansas for the 2011 NAI Region 6 Annual Workshop.  One of them returned with significantly less hair.

AMI newsletter editor John Miller (pictured center, with the shiny head) is also the Regional Director for Region 6.  Like any good leader, John knows how to motivate his region: by giving them plenty of opportunities to abuse him.

John volunteered to shave his head if Region 6 could raise enough money to send one member to the NAI’s National Interpreters Workshop in St. Paul.  His followers came through in a big way, raising $350 and then descending on him like a mob of vindictive barbers.

Thanks to AMI members and their Region 6 brethren (and sistren), Tara Humphreys of Texas will be able to attend NAI 2011 in November.  Good job, guys!