2012 AMI Elections

The AMI 2012 Elections are quickly approaching!  Here’s a note from your Elections Chair, Lisa LaCombe:

This is your big chance to make a difference! As interpreters, we are crucial for facilitating stewardship for our natural and cultural history. YOU can make a difference! YOU can leave behind a legacy! We are the Association of Missouri Interpreters and in this group we have some phenomenal leaders!

The AMI offices for President and Secretary are up for election for 2012.  This is your opportunity whether you are new to AMI or have been a long-standing member, a student, volunteer, or full-time interpreter.   

 Why should you run for an AMI office?

  • You will have the opportunity to shape the future of AMI. 
  • The organization cannot run without membership participation.
  • You can develop or improve leadership skills.
  • You can share your experience and knowledge.
  •  It looks fantastic on your resume.

 If you are interested in running for either office please contact Elections Chair, Lisa LaCombe, at Burr Oak Woods Nature Center, (816) 228-3766.  You will also need to send a “head shot” photograph and your “campaign” write-up before August 1st


(Taken from the AMI By-laws.)

Section 1. The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair and the Elections Chair.

Section 2. The 5 elected officers, the Elections Chair and the immediate past president (if available and willing to serve) shall constitute the Executive Committee. In the case of the immediate past president being unable to fill this position, a member at large will be appointed by the officers to fill the opening.

 AMI President:

2 year term

Section 3. The President shall be the presiding officer at all meetings of the Association and at all meetings of the Executive Committee.

 AMI Secretary:

2 year term

Section 5. The Secretary shall keep a record of all meetings of the Association and its Executive Committee in a suitable book. They shall also submit reports at the annual business meeting and shall publish a membership directory yearly.