The Anita B. Gorman Conservation Discovery Center in Kansas City will be hosting “The Art of Interpretive Writing” on Friday, October 25. The workshop will be led by Alan Leftridge, author of Interpretive Writing. See below for more details:
Write compelling interpretive messages! This workshop offers you the basics of interpretive writing that apply to signage, exhibit labels, brochures, websites, public service announcements, books, and magazines. You will understand how to create clear, dynamic, and concise interpretive texts, reveal meanings, and ways to excite visitors about your site, whether it is a museum, park, zoo, nature center, or aquarium.
Topics include:
- The Interpretive Writing Process
- Concept Mapping
- Universal Concepts
- The Five Elements of Interpretive Writing
- Meeting Your Audience’s Needs
- Concise Wording
- Keeping Your Reader’s Attention
- The Importance of Fluency
- Redundant Wording
- Understanding Readability Indexes
- Using a Human Interest Scale
- Capturing Your Reader’s Attention
- What to Avoid
- Connecting with a Narrative
- The Editing Process
- Evaluation
The fee is $275 and includes instruction, refreshments, handouts, and a copy of the Interpretive Writing textbook.
Contact Alan Leftridge,, 406.754.2940 to register.